
After much debating to start a blog here goes.. a place for sharing the randomness and thoughts of life in general..

Over the last two weeks (well months really) I have been building up to some pretty major surgery and last week it became reality when the date was ‘pencilled’ in the diary.

I never really thought much about it being ‘pencilled’, each day I have impatiently waited on the arrival of the surgeon through the ward doors to tell me exactly what was happening.. until today when the dreaded words ‘she is off sick’ came along.

It has got me thinking just how far this is out of my control; each day I wait on a team of doctors to decide what is happening the next; then there is a wait for a slot in the surgeons diary, the slot in theatre and the bed in high dependency when it is all over.

It would be lying to say the journey hasn’t been frustrating – once the days start mounting it’s hard to see the end – however I am thankful for the people who have text, phoned and visited – it is friends and family that make the journey much more bearable – that and the entertainment provided by the other patients (stories to follow).

It is safe to say I could not do this on my own – the picture below sums it up nicely – family, friends and ice pops. It really is the little things that matter!! –

3 thoughts on “Control..

  1. I agree. You have too much time on your hands. I/we/illness/wellness!!?? The new catchphrase for the HSC?! Lol

    Keep writing. Sure if anything it gives me something to slag you about ha! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your attitude and tenacity are such an inspiration, the ability to smile in the face of such adversity is an amazing quality, so proud of my friend!


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