A crazy week! 

Last week began with apprehension of the week ahead and I was dreading it.. In hindsight it wasn’t too bad! Whilst there are still some challenges to try as get started with the new job I am excited about a new venture.. Yes there is still little moments of  panic when I realise I’m not going back to the same job on Monday morning but when I think about the last few months and what I’ve been through its just a small hurdle.

This week has been exciting and little crazy .. I have been working with fixers to make an awareness animation about Crohn’s disease. This week we filmed a broadcast piece which will be shown on UTV in August. We filmed in the house and in work and some lovely people stepped in to be interviewed and take part in the piece.

When I first got diagnosed I never imagined doing anything like it but now I just want to let people know what Crohn’s disease is and yes it’s been a challenge but I have learnt some positives through it and these are expressed in the piece.

Today we held a coffee morning in dads church hall to raise awareness and money for Let’s Talk Crohns and Colitis NI. This charity provided me with support over the darkest times in hospital by just having people who could be there and understand what was happening from their own experiences- it was invaluable. With everyone’s support we raised a fantastic £465 thanks to people’s generousity.

**Total update – we have hit £600 thanks to donations from lots of very generous people

I do always to try to find the positives in things- sometimes I am more successful than others! Yesterday I came across a quote I have loved.

I can’t change what Crohn’s disease has already done, I’ve little control over how it will affect me in the future but I can choose to try and keep a positive attitude in whatever lies ahead.

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